Each game is 20 minutes of family fun you'll want to enjoy again and again!

Would you like to capture the Strawberry Ninja? Here's how to play:

Your copy of Strawberry Ninja will arrive at your doorstep in a slim but sturdy box (which you can take pretty much anywhere!) containing:

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basically a memory matching game
This is a fun but simple game, basically a complex version of the kids memory matching game, where you want to remember where different cards are, or at least use some logic to get to certain cards. As you play, you flip over certain cards. There is some logic as to how you move cards to be able to flip them over, which makes it more interesting. The game isn't really that hard and I'd definitely consider it a kids game, for ages 7-10 probably. Adults will find it a bit too simple. There are cards that do special things and change it up a bit, but essentially you're moving a cat around to get the strawberry ninja before you run out of turns. Great game that adults could definitely play with kids and not find mind-numbingly boring.
Fun, simple logic game - great for the junior gamers in your life
This is a very fun game for up to four players, ages 8+. The game is from the Golden Bells Game Company, and before this game I had not heard of them. I will definitely be checking out their other offerings. The game is relatively simple. (Please see the photos below.) You lay out a grid of 3 x 4 cards with one hole (no card there), and then each turn you shift two cards according to the arrow cards. You get to look at the second card. If you choose to, the kitty meeple can "pounce" one space. If the kitty lands on the dread "strawberry ninja," everyone wins. If the kitty misses then the ninja gets away and there is much sadness. You get ten turns to find the ninja, and some of the cards give you special actions. Most of the time pure logic can prevail. It is a fabulous game for teaching kids about things like deduction, elimination, risk taking, and a host of other cool skills. The artwork is fun, and there are no objectionable aspects. I highly recommend this game!
quick fun and easy to play
Very cool little game. Fun for the whole family, but I except the best use is for the parents to play with their kids. Quite easy to play, but I have to admit not a very good solo game. Quick and fun, easy to play. This would be a great game for parents to start their kids on "game night'. What you don't have a family game night? You should.
good game for younger kids
This is a well-made, well-thought-out game. The pieces and components are nicely designed and the game mechanics are relatively simple -- probably too simple for folks over 10 or 11. When I played this with my younger nieces, they really liked it. I also played it with some older folks and the reviews weren't as stellar -- no one dislikes the game, mind you, but it's definitely better for kids and for families than for older teens and 20-somethings. It's not a long game so that's a plus for younger folks, too. Given what you get, the price is just right.
great game for younger audiences
First and foremost this is a kids game! Yes, there is some adult fun in here too, but the appropriate targeted market are those who have not yet hit their teen years yet. For instance, I have four teenagers (ages 14 to 19) and every one of them took one look at this and said, "No, dad! Game says ages 8+ we don't want to play another oversimplistic, kids game." Well my sister has younger kids and they were explaining the types of games they are trying to play together (I know, I know, what does all this info have to do with the game? It's all context. Trust me). As she explained their experience, I immediately thought of this game for her 5-11yr old kids. GAMEPLAY: This is a fairly easy game to teach and one that kids will get into easy enough. This is a mix of the solo slider tile puzzles (like this one: Toysmith Number Slide Puzzle ) combined with a game of memory, since players need to remember what movement cards are coming up and where did that special card or Strawberry Ninja move to when you did the card/tile moving action. COMPONENTS: Great looking art on the cards and vibrant colors. A kitty-cat meeple. What is not to like?!? STRATEGY vs LUCK This game has a bit of both. Luck in that the Strawberry Ninja or certain special cards may randomly show up exactly where the player's movement cards direct them to. Strategy is a skill that this game teaches kids as they know what movement card is coming up eventually and thus having to plan 2 to 4 steps ahead. Nice! REPLAYABILITY Since the cards will be dealt out randomly each game, then this has good replayability. OTHER: I love solo play games that can be played with more players too (or visa versa). It does take us about 25-30 minutes with younger kids (those who don't suffer from analysis paralysis) to play through the full set of rounds or a full game. OVERALL: Works the brain for younger kids to learn planning & strategy and gets them having fun learning to get the kitty-cat to catch the Strawberry Ninja. My sister and her younger kids are having a lot of fun with this.