The Bonus Features Pack

Quiet on the set! Production hasn't wrapped up just yet! Take two!
Movie Buff veterans and super fans can get this exclusive, first chance to dip into the Movie Buff Bonus Features Pack! The Bonus Features expand on the already rock solid core mechanic of jumping from movie to movie with brand new trivia and strategy cards. The Director's Cut, in particular, allows people to add in a Director, like Steven Spielberg to name one, to their favorite film, enhancing the take along with other cards. Iconic Landmark and Featured Song are important elements in our love for movies, with many landmarks coming to mind from classics (i.e. Statue of Liberty in Planet of the Apes) and songs we can't get unstuck from our minds (name that tune from the opening in Back to Future).
Mix in a few strategy cards and fans of Movie Buff can remix the way they play. This isn't just a small addition to the base game. Rather, it allows fans, old and new alike, to share their special movie knowledge in a brand new and exciting way that will surely spark fun debates and conversations about all kinds of movies! We also have the Producer's and Writer's Cuts featuring additional trivia cards and strategy cards different than the Director's Cut.
Pick your favorite or try all three and play through the wonderful history of every movie you have ever loved!

Don't forget! These new trivia cards not only enhance the take, but can be used to jump to other movies as connectors to begin a new take.
Below we have included brief teasers of the additional cards found in the Bonus Features. Each of the packs will come with 54 Brand New Cards!
In addition to the aforementioned trivia cards, the Director's Cut's Strategy Cards are as follows:
- Reshoot - Go back to a previous take
- Stand-In - Trade a card with another player
- Stunt Double - Play two cards in one turn
If you want to showcase your knowledge of all the movie moguls in the biz the following cards will be in the Producer's Cut:
- Producer - Name any Producer on the film Composer
- Name the Composer on the film Award - Is your film Oscar worthy?
- Name an Award the film's won Box Office Flop (Strategy)
- Everyone must draw two additional cards Box Office Smash (Strategy)
- Discard one card Production Delay (Strategy) - When someone takes too long during their turn make them draw one additional card
Last, but certainly not least, we can't forget about the Writers that craft our favorite movies from their earliest inception:
- Writer - Name a Writer or Author credited on the film
- Year - Name the year when film was released
- Memorable Prop - Name a memorable prop in the film (i.e. lightsaber or Indy's whip)
- Rating (Strategy) - The next take must match the rating of the current one
- Option (Strategy) - The following take must match the genre the player establishes
- Rewrite (Strategy) - The blank page, the player develops an original strategy