Parenting is Easy is a casual board game for 2 to 4 players, meant for high strung adults, hyperactive kids, or anyone in between. Quick and easy to learn, everyone’s goal is to drive their parents completely insane by causing as much chaos as possible in their family home.

Feast your eyes on your new home!
Sorry for the interruption. Back to Parenting is Easy. PiE is a board game of chaotic proportions. Send the entire family into a tailspin where the house is in complete disarray, and win by pushing everyone’s buttons, spreading anarchy, chaos, and disorder in every room. Only the worst children will emerge victorious!
Parenting is Easy is a complete free-for-all in this casual, webcomic board game! This official Webcomic Game, with new art by Lunarbaboon, takes elements from serious area control and worker placement tabletop games and turns them completely upside down!
Become the biggest brat, throw as many tantrums in as many rooms as possible, and make sure there’s complete disorder around the table so you can come out on top!
You must plan every move with turmoil in mind, playing trouble cards on yourself and others, accounting for the Tantrum Die at all times. But be careful, too much chaos will make the parents crazier removing a cube from the board. Although if you brown-nose too much, you get one extra cube to cause even more chaos. Every game played is guaranteed to be hectic.
You won’t look at childhood or parenting the same way when you’re done.
A game for parents, where YOU get to be the kid driving mom and dad completely off the wall! Spread the most chaos and avoid making your parents happy.